1980 July 3rd foundation of Tropiflora Sri Lanka as a Sri Lankan-Swiss joint venture as a pioneer in cultivation of Tropical Foliage in Sri Lanka. Handessa Farm was established in the central province near Kandy on a plot of a former tea estate.
1981 Butterflypalm as the main item became fashionable after its use in a bouquet on the Bundesgartenschau
1982 First Export to Switzerland
1982 First Export to United Kingdom
1982 First Export to the Netherlands
1981 commenced construction of infrastructure such as nethouses, wells and processing center in Handessa.
1985 Lena Farm was established in North Western province, Kurunagala district with the main goal to enter large scale production of Kentia Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)
1990 First Exports to Kuwait with mainly Butterfly Palms
2001 MPS - ABC, Social & GAP certification
2004 July 1st Fair trade certification by MAX HAVELAAR Switzerland
2005 The markets demand more and more tops than leaves. Hence the production of Dracaena sanderiana and Cordyline fruticosa is intensified
2006 produced finished and fairtrade certified potplants to Swiss Supermarkets
2006 9th August certification by FLO (Fair Labeling Organisation) since Max Havelaar Switzerland was assigned to FLO
2011 First Export to Japan
2012 First Exports to Saudi Arabia
2012 First Exports to United Arab Emirates
2013 First Exports to Azerbeijan
2014 September 17th Global GAP certification
2014 First Exports to Qatar
2016 Construction of new, on-site compost production and media processing centre
2016 First Export to Australia
2017 First Exports to Jordan, Opend Farming in Attanagalla
2018 Tropiflora wins Presidential Export Award as "Highest Foreign Exchange Earner" in Floriculture
2019 Tropiflora wins again the Presidential Export Award as "Best Exporter" in Floriculture
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